Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What to do when your dog has paint on his coat?

My son painted my german shepherd today with some paint. It was from a stencil kit for plastic stained glass. Its some kind of rubber or latex paint.What to do when your dog has paint on his coat?
gently cut it off with sissors, the hair will grow back in time. have your spouse or friend distract the dog while you cut the hair off.. if its alot of paint on the dog then break out the clippers and carefully shave the area, but use a type of comb that attaches to the clippers on a high setting. and take the paints away from the child as a time out and show your son that this is what happens when you paint the doggie, say something like, ';if you put paint in your hair, mommy is going to have to shave your head like the doggies hair.';

hope this helps.. :-)What to do when your dog has paint on his coat?
shave his head IN PUNISHMENT? My God, you do know small children are prone to such behaviours, right? And I would never shave the hair from a dog because of latex paint! Soap and water! Sheesh!

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HAHAHAHA I just got the funniest visual in my mind...

I would just leave it alone. You could use turpentine or paint thinner, but that could irritate Rover's skin.

It will work it's way out in a few weeks... or you could give him a haircut...

If it were me, I would leave it alone and let it grow it's way out... unless he keeps licking it, then I would give rover a haircut.
Yeah had my dog rub against wet paint before. No prob. Not to worry. Just use a wet washcloth, maybe a little soap, and wipe at fur until paint comes off. Latex based paint sort of flakes off when rubbed. LOL Is your son the next Michaelangelo?
If it is a small amount of paint just leave it alone and it will grow out. If it is alot of paint you should carefully shave it off. If it is covering most of the dog you should take your shepherd into a groomer and have them shave the dog. A groomer would be faster and have better tools to help.
You can use mineral spirits to get it out .Then I'd probably want to give him a bath Mineral spirits shouldn't hurt him but you never know what they are allergic to.
Goo-gone is cheap, non-toxic, and gets most everything off.

Get it at Wal-mart.
try dog shampoo first. if it doesnt work, get ';goo gone'; my bassett hound stepped on a glue mouse trap and got glue stuck on her feet. it got it right off and didnt harm the skin or anything. yep, ';goo gone'; definately works.
That's really cute.

Don't use any turpentine or thinner on it. Instead, just wash with some warm water and soap. If it doesn't work, leave it or shave it off. (Make sure your dog isn't eating at it!)
Shave it off! You don't know what kind of reaction he could have to the paint and you certainly don't want to put paint thinner or Goof Off on him!
Mineral oil, nail polish remover,, gasoline, steel wool, clippers. In order of harshness to your pet. Mineral oil is safe and gentle, but will require a bit more elbow grease
Try some vodka or rubbing alcohol, but the vodka will be more safe for the animal.
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